"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 19: 14
Faith Formation PreK-Grade 5
Director: Allison Ramirez
Email: allison@stbarbarachurch.org Phone: 360-886-2229 x221
Registration for the '22-'23 year is now open!
All of our classes are back in person!
The Elementary Faith Formation Program is open to all students in grades preschool (age 4) through 5th grade. Classes begin the middle of September and run through the middle of May. For non-sacramental classes, children are welcome to join throughout the year.
We use the Finding God curriculum from Loyola Press, loyolapress.com as well as a variety of other resources. The goals of the curriculum are to: recognize the presence of God in our lives, discern the presence of God in all people and circumstances, recognize the presence of God in our experiences of God’s creation, and live as people for others. Each grade level follows a theme and the themes are revisited each year as the children mature. Each lesson includes prayer, scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and Liturgy.
To support your child’s religious learning, please make sure you are bringing your children to mass or watching at home and talking to them about what they are learning and experiencing at both mass and class.
Parent volunteers are an essential part of our Faith Formation Program. Volunteers are needed to lead and assist the classes. All volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Training offered through the VIRTUS program. Please contact Allison Ramirez at allison@stbarbarachurch.org if you are interested in volunteering with Faith Formation.
Preschool – 2nd Grade
All classes are Sunday from 10:05-10:55 (children are called out at the 10am mass.) We will gather in the classrooms in the basement of the Church between Sunday Masses. Our classes will use Scripture, arts and craft, music, and more to help our children grow in knowledge and faith of the Catholic Church.
***A year of Sunday School attendance is a pre-req to our First Communion class.***
First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation
***Must have attended a year of Sunday School or Elementary Faith Formation prior****
Students in Second Grade or higher who have previously attended Faith Formation are invited to join the Communion class and prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion. Students meet on Sunday mornings from 9:05-9:55 AM in between the masses. Reconciliation is celebrated at the communal Advent reconciliation service., and Communion is celebrated in early May. You must be enrolled for the entire year to receive your sacraments. If you would like to register for these sacraments, please contact Allison Ramirez in the office.
3rd - 5th grade
Students in third through fifth grade are invited to join us Sunday Mornings from 9:05-9:55am in the basement classrooms for Catholic lessons, videos, worksheets, crafts, activities and more to help nurture and grow their faith.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 4 through 5th grade. During the week children will learn Bible stories, play related games, and build new friendships with their fellow groupmates. VBS is typically held in July.
Parent volunteers are essential in the planning, preparation, and execution of VBS. Please contact Allison Ramirez if you would like to help make our VBS a successful, fun-filled week. All volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Training offered through the VIRTUS program.