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Circle of Joy
The Circle of Joy is a “ community building” group at St. Barbara’s, open to all women of the parish. Building community is important. We see Christ’s love manifest in each other when we share in parish activities, building friendships and sharing our love of Jesus. We host First Communion and Confirmation receptions, the Advent Celebration, Lenten soup nights, and the Lenten evening retreat . We also provide for parish needs and support the local food banks. Every spring we hold The Annual St. Barbara Tea and in the fall we coordinate the Annual Artisan Bazaar to raise funds to support our activities. Meetings are held September thru May usually on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. If you have questions or would like more information on the Circle of Joy, please contact Sharon Clevenger at 253-208-9481 or
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal society. The order has the founding principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Knights offers social and intellectual fellowship among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, and social welfare. The St. Barbara Knights participate in many activities in the parish church and the greater community. Some of the programs our Knights participate in are Coats for Kids, Tootsie Roll Drive to raise money for Special Olympics, blood drives, Keep Christ in Christmas, RSVP program to help seminarians, Food for Families, Scholarship program for graduating high school seniors, and Building the Domestic Church to name a few. Monthly meetings are held the third Monday of each month in the parish hall beginning at 7:00 PM. Please visit our website at If you are interested in becoming a Knight or have questions, please contact Grand Knight, Tony Stevenson at 206-251-9500 or or Deputy Grand Knight, Gary Reed at 253-334-2856 or
Prayer Shawl
Prayer Shawl Ministry members share their talents by knitting or crocheting prayer shawls which are then given to anyone who is in need of comfort. These prayer shawls are prayerfully made with love and then blessed by Fr. Dave. Anyone needing a prayer shawl for themselves or for a family member or friend is welcome to take a prayer shawl. Prayer shawls can be pick up at the Parish Office and are also available after mass. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the parish office. All are welcome to attend.
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